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  • Refunds
    If you enter for an exam with us but you decide to cancel this request before it is registered with the board a 10% admin fee will be levied from the refund If the entry has been registered with the exam board and you then wish to withdraw before their amendment period has passed, a 50% refund is payable. Withdrawals after the boards’ amendment deadline have passed are not refundable. Late entries registrations are not refundable.
  • A Summary of the Process
    Once you have completed the exam registration form with details of the exams you want to sit, we register you for those with the exam board. They then send us a Statement of Entry showing which exams (and “cash-ins”/ overall subject grades) you are registered for. We then email you the Statement(s) of Entry together with a cover-letter which informs you where to go for the exam(s) and at what time. On the day of the exams, you come to the exam hall with your Statement(s) of Entry and photo ID (Passport or Driving Licence) together with anything you will need for the exam (e.g. calculator for maths exams). We get electronic access to your exam results a day before they are officially published. We email the Statements of Results so that they should arrive with you on the day they are officially released to you. Together with this Statement is a cover-letter that informs you which post-results services are available. Certificates arrive a few months later and have to be collected in person (with photo ID).
  • “Cashing-in” / Certification
    For new specification linear qualifications you will automatically get an overall grade for the subject and a certificate.
  • The Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) Number
    This number is crucial! The UCI (13 characters in total -12 digits and a letter on the end) is used to coordinate all of your individual exam marks together so that when you request an overall grade, the exam board can locate all of your previous unit results. If you do not provide your UCI number, or supply an incorrect one, there is a real risk that you won’t get an overall grade once you have completed the qualification(s). The UCI number is issued whenever you sit an exam, so if you’ve done exams before in the UK you will have been issued a UCI number. The best place to find this number is on your previous Statement of Results (or Statement of Entry). If you bring in a copy of the Statement when you register, that’s the best way to ensure we register you under the correct UCI. Of course, if you haven’t sat exams before, we will issue you with a new UCI. Again, it’s important that you then use this number for all future exams that you register for – here or elsewhere.
  • Controlled Assessments
    Controlled Assessments, or NEAs, are completed as an internal student in a school and are then usually marked by the teachers within that school before being sent to the exam board for moderation. This obviously creates problems if you want to do new coursework as an external/Private Candidate. Many of the students who will want to sit exams for a specification that includes a coursework component will be re-sitting with us so they can just reuse their previous coursework marks held on the exam board’s system. This applies to a number of different qualifications such as GCSE English, or A Level English, English Literature, History, and the Sciences. If, however, you want to do any new coursework/controlled assessment/NEA, you must first check with the exam board that they are available to Private Candidates and what the terms of that availability are. You can then enquire with us about whether we can register you for the unit(s) in question – please note that we are not allowed to mark or submit any coursework unless it has been completed under the supervision of one of our tutors. Depending on tutor availability, we may be able to timetable supervising your coursework (i.e. setting, monitoring, guidance and marking of coursework). A registration fee and per hour individual tuition rate applies per our fees . For the academic year 2022 – 2023 this will be in the region of £1100 (including the hours taken to mark the coursework prior to submission) but this will vary depending on the subject and board so please get in touch for a quote. Another option for coursework is to register and complete that component with a distance learning organisation that will both make the entries for it with the exam board and submit the coursework directly to them. They can then request a “transferred candidate arrangement” with us whereby we host you for the written units, for which there is a £45 fee per exam. Please note that we do not retain coursework for long periods after it is returned by the exam board following moderation/marking. If you want your coursework back, please collect it within a month of the publication of results.
  • Science Practical Endorsements
    New specification A Level Sciences include a NEA/practical skills endorsement component – if you have a “pass” for this component from a previous session, that can be reused and you would just re-sit all 3 of the written exams. We run courses for the Biology, Chemistry and Physics NEA practical skills component – see here for details
  • Language Oral Exams
    We offer oral exams at IGCSE level with the Edexcel/Pearson board in French, German and Spanish. We can usually offer these languages at GCSE level (with either the Edexcel or AQA boards), as well as Russian and Italian, but please enquire before booking ( We offer oral exams at AS/A level with Edexcel in French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.  We may be able to offer AS/A level oral exams with the AQA board but please enquire before booking (
  • Access Arrangements/Special Consideration
    Exam Timetable Clash An exam clash can happen within an exam centre (when you have more than three hours of exams scheduled within a session) or between different centres (when you are registered for exams at the same time in two different places). It is your responsibility to check the Statement(s) of Entry and ensure that you inform us, in writing, if your exams at Campbell Harris, in any single AM or PM session, are longer than 3 hours duration. If you are eligible for extra time, such that the granting of 25% extra time will lead to more than 3 hours duration in an exam session, you should, again, inform us in writing. When you have an exam clash at Campbell Harris, you must come to the AM session to sit one of the exams before being supervised (without mobile phone access etc.) and then sitting the other exam in the PM session. You should bring a packed lunch. If you have an exam clash between centres, you should inform us immediately. The exam boards may allow you to be hosted at the other centre for an exam that you have registered for with us, or vice versa, but this is at their discretion. There is a £45 fee per unit if you want to request this transferred candidate arrangement – please note that this fee is non-refundable. Transferred candidate arrangement As detailed above, if agreed by the exam board, this arrangement allows you to sit exams that you have registered for with us at another centre (or vice versa). There is a non-refundable fee of £45 per unit for this service. Pre-release/Case-study Information Some units have pre-release/case-study material that you will need to receive before the exam so that you are able to properly prepare. For some units, the relevant material becomes available on the board’s website at a specified time-period before the exam. For others, we receive paper copies which we then distribute to you. Please inform us, when you register, if one or more of the exams you wish to take require such material. Exam Day A few weeks before the day of your first scheduled exam, you should receive your Statement(s) of Entry, in one of the self-addressed envelopes you provided, by post. Enclosed with the Statement(s) will be a cover-letter that gives details of both the location of the exam hall and the time at which you must attend for AM and PM sessions. Please note that if you are late for an exam, you may not be able to sit it! If you have registered very late for an exam, you should make absolutely sure that you know the date and time that each exam is scheduled and where our exam hall is. This is because we cannot be sure to get this information to you in time for your exams! In rare instances, when the number of registrations for exams in a particular session exceeds the capacity of the exam hall, we may need to split the exam session. In such cases, we will contact you beforehand to ask you to come in to be supervised (with no mobile phone access etc.) before sitting the exam when the first session has finished. You must arrive at the time specified by us or the security of the exam will be considered to have been compromised and you will not be able to sit the exam. In case we need to split the exam session, you should allow for 3 hour duration of each exam session. You must bring your Statement of Entry and Photo ID (Passport, Driving Licence, or National ID card) to each exam. Please note that some forms of photo ID (Oyster cards, Student ID cards) are not acceptable and that you will only be permitted to sit the exam if you have valid photo ID Passport, Driving Licence or National Photo ID card). Before entering the exam hall, all mobile phones, MP3/MP4 players, Ipods, smart watches etc must be turned off and placed in your coat or bag (you are not permitted to have these items on your person during the exam, even if they are turned off). When you enter the exam hall you will be instructed on where to place any coats, bags etc. While we endeavour to maintain security, these items are left at your own risk. Results Day We get electronic access to your Statement of Results the day before they are due to be distributed to you. We print them and send them to you in the post – so, if the self-addressed envelopes you provide have first class stamps, you should receive them in the post on publication day. Together with the Statement(s) of Results will be a cover-letter that outlines the post-results services that are available (enquiries about results, script access requests, and late cash-ins) and the associated fees. Because of the large numbers of students taking exams with us, we strongly discourage students from coming to collect their results in person on publication day. If, however, you do not receive your results in the post on publication day, you can e mail us ( to request them. You need to supply full details in your e mail: Your full name, date of birth, and the board(s) you took exams with. In response, we will e mail you your results as soon as possible that day but you will have to be patient as it’s an extremely busy time Post-Results Services The cover-letter that comes with your Statement(s) of Results indicates which post-results services are available. If you have not yet requested cashing-in/certification you may request a Late Cash-In to obtain an overall grade for the modular subject(s). If you want to query a result you must complete and return the form printed on the back of the cover-letter. You can request either a Clerical Check to ensure that the board’s procedures were correctly followed, an Enquiry about Results where the exam is re-marked, or a Priority Enquiry about Results service where your place in higher education is dependent on a successful re-mark (this service is available for A-Level only). If you would like to have access to your exam script(s), you can request either a priority copy (so that you can review it before deciding whether you want to request an Enquiry about Results) or the original script. Certificates Where applicable, Campbell Harris should receive your certificate(s) by June (for the January session) or November (for the May/June session). Please telephone or E mail us to make arrangements for collection in person (with photo ID). Uncollected certificates may be returned to the Board(s). General Information Full details are required! Please ensure you provide all the requested information clearly when completing the form – missing out your date of birth or not using BLOCK CAPITALS so that we misspell your name, for example, can cause problems of identification at the exam board. Missing out your UCI number or a cash-in/certification request, as detailed below, can have more serious consequences! Please also include all contact information as we may need to contact you by phone, e mail, or post. Whose responsibility is it to make sure you are registered for the correct exams? In a word: Yours! You need to ensure that the details you provide on the form are clearly stated and correct! This means, in particular, that the entry / qualification codes must be correct (including the option code if relevant) as we won’t know which exams you want to do! When you get your Statement of Entry, you must check it very carefully to make sure that you are registered for the correct units (and any “cash-ins” for modular qualifications that you have requested). If we need to make an amendment to your unit entry details, this can lead to you being charged again for the unit – usually at the late or very late registration fee! Is there an Administration fee? Yes – we have to charge a fee on top of the fee the exam board charges us (so that we can hire an exam hall, invigilators etc.!). Unlike some of the (very few) other colleges that offer exams to Private Candidates, we do not charge a separate administration fee – it’s included in the fees we charge for each exam Why are exams more expensive when it’s a late registration? The exam boards increase their fees substantially when we register you late so we have to pass this additional cost on to you. Our deadlines for late registration have to be before the board’s deadlines so that we can register you in time. Why is my candidate number different from last time and different between boards? Your four-digit candidate number on the Statement(s) of Entry/Results is arbitrary and is generated when we register you – your candidate number will change between exam sessions, your UCI number shouldn’t! If you have registered for exams with more than one board, you will have different candidate numbers for each (as shown on the Statements) – you must use the correct candidate number on the exam script, when you sit that board’s exams. Why so many self-addressed envelopes? We ask for 5 self-sealing A5 (also known as C5) envelopes (they are half the A4 size). They should clearly state your full name and address, and should have the correct (first-class) postage stamps applied. We need 5 envelopes to cover the many possibilities of what we may need to send you (Statements of Entry, Statements of Results, amended copies of these Statements, pre-release/case study material, requested exam scripts, and letters regarding the scheduling of practical or oral assessments). The A5/C5 size is necessary, so that we can send more bulky items such as exam scripts or pre-release/case study material. The necessity of coming in for ID All Private Candidates need to come in to be formally identified (with photo ID – either Passport, Driving Licence or National photo ID card) when they register. If you are registering without coming to see us, you must come in for ID purposes at least a month before the day of your first exam. Are refunds available if I don’t want to sit the exam anymore? Generally, we are unable to refund you for exams that you have registered for, as the exam board will still charge us for making the entries. If you provide a written request to be withdrawn, that allows us enough time for us to withdraw the entry without being charged, we may be able to offer you a partial refund – please enquire. Distance Learning Organisations: Oxford Open Learning, 4 Kings Meadow, Ferry Hinksey Rd, Oxford OX2 0DP Tel: 01865 798022 International Correspondence Schools (ICS), National Extension College, Breckenridge House The Michael Young Centre, 274 Sauchiehall Street Purbeck Road, Glasgow, G2 3EH Cambridge, CB2 8HN Tel: 0808 115 5165 Tel: 0800 389 2839 / 01223 400 200 Wolsey Hall Oxford, Tel: 0800 622 6599 Exam boards’ website links for private candidates: Edexcel / Pearson AQA OCR WJEC Contact us 185 High Street Kensington, London, W8 6SH View on map > 020 7937 0032 Download Exam Registration Form > Campbell Harris Private college The College College Calendar Our Courses Subject Areas External Exam Candidates Contact Us View Cambell Harris's Facebook page View Cambell Harris's Twitter profile View Cambell Harris's Instagram profile View Cambell Harris's Facebook page View Cambell Harris's Twitter profile View Cambell Harris's Instagram profile ©
  • Transferred candidate arrangement
    As detailed above, if agreed by the exam board, this arrangement allows you to sit exams that you have registered for with us at another centre (or vice versa). There is a non-refundable fee of £45 per unit for this service
  • Pre-release/Case-study Information
    Some units have pre-release/case-study material that you will need to receive before the exam so that you are able to properly prepare. For some units, the relevant material becomes available on the board’s website at a specified time-period before the exam. For others, we receive paper copies which we then distribute to you. Please inform us, when you register, if one or more of the exams you wish to take require such material
  • Exam Day
    A few weeks before the day of your first scheduled exam, you should receive your Statement(s) of Entry by email. Included with the Statement(s) will be a cover-letter that gives details of both the location of the exam hall and the time at which you must attend for AM and PM sessions. Please note that if you are late for an exam, you may not be able to sit it! If you have registered very late for an exam, you should make absolutely sure that you know the date and time that each exam is scheduled and where our exam hall is. This is because we cannot be sure to get this information to you in time for your exams! In rare instances, when the number of registrations for exams in a particular session exceeds the capacity of the exam hall, we may need to split the exam session. In such cases, we will contact you beforehand to ask you to come in to be supervised (with no mobile phone access etc.) before sitting the exam when the first session has finished. You must arrive at the time specified by us or the security of the exam will be considered to have been compromised and you will not be able to sit the exam. In case we need to split the exam session, you should allow for 3 hour duration of each exam session. You must bring your Statement of Entry and Photo ID (Passport, Driving Licence, or National ID card) to each exam. Please note that some forms of photo ID (Oyster cards, Student ID cards) are not acceptable and that you will only be permitted to sit the exam if you have valid photo ID Passport, Driving Licence or National Photo ID card). Before entering the exam hall, all mobile phones, MP3/MP4 players, ipods, smart watches etc must be turned off and placed in your coat or bag (you are not permitted to have these items on your person during the exam, even if they are turned off). When you enter the exam hall you will be instructed on where to place any coats, bags etc. While we endeavour to maintain security, these items are left at your own risk.
  • Results Day
    We get electronic access to your Statement of Results the day before they are due to be distributed to you. These are emailed to you on results day. Together with the Statement(s) of Results will be a cover-letter that outlines the post-results services that are available (enquiries about results, script access requests, and late cash-ins) and the associated fees. Because of the large numbers of students taking exams with us, we strongly discourage students from coming to collect their results in person on publication day. If, however, you do not receive your results you can e mail us ( to request them. You need to supply full details in your e mail: Your full name, date of birth, and the board(s) you took exams with. In response, we will e mail you your results as soon as possible that day but you will have to be patient as it’s an extremely busy time
  • Post-Results Services
    The cover-letter that comes with your Statement(s) of Results indicates which post-results services are available. If you have not yet requested cashing-in/certification you may request a Late Cash-In to obtain an overall grade for the modular subject(s). If you want to query a result you must complete and return the form printed on the back of the cover-letter. You can request either a Clerical Check to ensure that the board’s procedures were correctly followed, an Enquiry about Results where the exam is re-marked, or a Priority Enquiry about Results service where your place in higher education is dependent on a successful re-mark (this service is available for A-Level only). If you would like to have access to your exam script(s), you can request either a priority copy (so that you can review it before deciding whether you want to request an Enquiry about Results) or the original script.
  • Certificates
    Where applicable, Campbell Harris should receive your certificate(s) by June (for the January session) or November (for the May/June session). Please telephone or E mail us to make arrangements for collection in person (with photo ID). Uncollected certificates may be returned to the Board(s).
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