Arts & Humanities
Courses offered at A level:
Art, English Literature, Film Studies, French, German, Politics, Graphics, History, History of Art, Media Studies, Music, Philosophy, Photography, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Spanish
Other subjects may be available: please enquire.
Courses offered at GCSE:
Art, English Language, English Literature, French, German, History, Photography, Music, Spanish
Other subjects may be available: please enquire.
Campbell Harris is traditionally strong in these subjects. Much of the English Language and English Literature teaching is done by our long-standing English (and Media) specialist, Mark Davis. A level courses follow OCR specifications, but for re-sit and revision students, any combination of text and exam board can be taught. Similarly, we try to be just as flexible in History to meet the individual requirements of students.
Media Studies is a dynamic and practical discipline which takes as its focus the communication forms and industries, which are changing the landscape of human interaction and understanding. It is an increasingly important subject in a world where more and more of our communication is “mediated”. We also teach Film Studies, a highly creative A level where we look at the film industry
in greater detail than in Media.
We teach Art and History of Art, exploiting all that London has to offer – such as arranging visits to galleries and sketching sessions in the nearby parks. We teach the essential skills of painting and drawing in a way that makes the Art Department a centre of creativity. Students also receive guidance on the different routes to take Art & Design courses at university or art colleges. Photography is always a popular choice at the college. As well as gaining an appreciation of some of the work of great photographers, students will achieve a good understanding of work in the medium of digital photography across a wide range of genres. Most of this work is practical with a number of field studies each year.
Politics is a straightforward subject for those who are logical, write clearly and retain information well. Our students have enjoyed much success with short intensive Politics courses when they have been motivated to pick up another grade quickly